Vito and the Easter Bunny. I was amazed that this went so well, he's actually smiling. Past attempts at pictures with Santa meant tears and possibly screams. The terrible twos are stretching into the threes. There are daily power struggles between Vito and I. I'm terribly frustrated at my inability to control my young son. I try time outs, sending him to his room, spanking but nothing seems to work. I get Bell's Palsy and feel very ill. The doctor recommends reducing stress. I stop babysitting my friends daughter and try to relax but money is so tight. I take the exam for a postal job and put in an application at a local factory. In six weeks I've recovered from the Bell's Palsy but my husband loses his job. My Dad and
Stepmom help by paying me to clean their house. My husband gets another job but all the financial stress is tough on our marriage.
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