It's May, 1988 and Vito is posing in our new apartment. It's a tough time for us because his father and I have just separated. Vito is confused and somewhat angry with me. I try to make the transition as smooth as possible. We both agree that joint custody is best for Vito but my days without him are sad and lonely. The apartment is nice and affordable and Vito adjusts well. He is such a trooper and eventually forgives me.
This brought tears from me remembering how he tried to get his parents together again. Pushing his parents hands together on his first school bus trip was so heart wrenching, a little guy trying to patch things up. He did adjust to the arrangement tho, at the time sounded impossible to me but you guys made it work because neither of you could stand to be too long without him. He was your special guy and you did so well with him. Miss his loving ways. Love Mom