Friday, October 23, 2009

Flashback to July, 1997

Having a blast riding the Mind Eraser at Darien Lake, Scott, me, Vito, Michael and Mom. Never wear post earrings on the Mind Eraser, Owwww.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Senior picture

Vito wasn't going to get his senior picture taken despite my begging. I had to work the Saturday of his appointment so it seemed hopeless that I would get a picture. Luckily Scott was able to guilt him into it. I was so pleased. As you can see it's very nice. The vignette and frame was added by me using picnik photo editor (free).

Friday, October 16, 2009

Celebrating Grandma Linda's Birthday

August 31, 2001, Mom's house for her birthday party. Hanging out with Mike trying to avoid getting his picture taken.

The message to his persistent Mom had to be edited out but I think you get the picture (ha, ha).
Check out the shirt, Southpark, one of his favorites.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

August, 2001

Vito went to the Jaguar show with Scott and is standing in front of an XK120.

At a family function he preferred not to attend (kinda cranky).

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Flashback to 1983

Today is Vito's Birthday, he would have been 26. I came across this 5 generation picture taken on Christmas, 1983 and wanted to share it. On the left is Vito's Great, Great Grampa George, then Great Grandma Goldie, then Grandma Linda, then his Mom holding him at 3 months old. Happy Birthday buddy, love, Mom